About T&M Automotive

What I do

I cater to owners of special interest vehicles that want someone who understands their needs and passion about their car. Because I only work on older vehicles you can rest assured I am well versed on them, having grown up when they were new. Therefore, you can expect the job to be done right the first time. Also, if there are different ways to accomplish a repair, I will explain the options and costs in a clear understandable manner.

I do not try to beat a flat rate schedule, or get it done as qickly as possible. QUALITY takes time. Doing it right the first time is my #1 priority even if I have to eat part of the labor cost. The cars are supposed to be enjoyable. Sitting on the side of road waiting for a tow truck is not normally an enjoyable experience.

In addition, all jobs will have pretty specific estimate done in writing before the work begins. If there are changes, or unknown issues discovered along the way, you will be consulted. The options and cost(s) will be explained so that you have the information you need to make the decision that is best for you. Any changes and their cost are recorded and tracked very closely.

Our History

I started this business on a part time basis in 1996. It began doubling in size every year due to our satisfied customers referring others. In 2001 due to the demand, the decision was made to go full time. I went down the road and was up to 4 employees at one point.  After 20 or so years, I am back to just myself and doing more of the work I enjoy with a lot less heartburn.

About me

Since the time I could crawl I had a car in my hand. As I grew older it was tools and taking  things apart to see how they worked, they didn't always work afterwards, but I learned. I have been actively involved with anything that had wheels for well over 50 years. During that time, I spent 30 years working as an engineer in various High Technology companies doing what I like best, things that others say can't be done and fixing problems. I was fortunate to have worked on projects that were always pushing the edge of technology and worked with/for some very highly educated indiviudals.

The experience I gained taught me to approach problems with a different outlook than most others. I do not throw parts at a problem, but rather diagnose it and get to the root cause. This approach is sometimes more time consuming, but more cost effective in the long run. Do you have an issue that others couldn't fix? Bring it on, I love a challenge.  Can't is a word that does not exist in my vocabulary

Give us a call @ 402-572-0694 NOTE: Press 1 to bypass recording

or email us at tandmautomotiveomaha@gmail.com   

NOTE: If we do not respond within 24 hours, check you junk folder or better yet, call us.